General Advice

Irish Islands

Copyright: Aldiki Gustiyan/
DESTINATIONS Ireland islands Tourist Information General Advice

General Advice

The islands are fully exposed to all of nature’s elements, so their terrains are mostly rugged and the seas surrounding them can sometimes be wild. Always take the greatest care during your excursions. Also, wear layered clothing and sensible shoes and prepare for the particular island journey you are planning. For instance, while some of the islands are populated, easy to reach and have a full range of services from accommodation to catering facilities, others are uninhabited and remote with no services. Generally, if travelling to an island with little or no services you should bring your own food and necessary supplies. Your licensed boat operator will be your best source of information and advice. Finally, please leave the islands as you have found them, taking nothing but photographs and leaving nothing but footprints. Respect monuments, habitats, dwellings, stone walls, plant and wild life. Dispose of any litter in bins or bring it with you from the islands.

Tourist Information